Health Data Research Network Canada - Survey
We know that people are concerned about how health data are gathered and used. That's why HDRN Canada is developing a health data glossary, in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), to help build trust in health data and improve data literacy among members of the public.
We want to hear from you! The project is seeking public input on the list of proposed terms and definitions, and we're inviting you to review the glossary and provide your feedback.
The health data glossary will standardize terms used to discuss and describe health data to promote common language among different users, like researchers, policymakers and the public. It is part of a broader HDRN Canada-PHAC initiative that is creating a guide for health data partners and the public about public trust and data literacy, as well as the benefits, risks and protections associated with health data in Canada. Learn more about this initiative.
The anonymous survey is available in English and in French. Public review and commentary is open until February 14. Thank you in advance for helping shape the future of health data in Canada!