The Canadian Patient Partner Survey !
At last we see some results from the CPPS Patient Partner Survey!! That's one way to understand the speed at which research is published. PAN members Carolyn Canfield and Mary Ann Levasseur were patient partners on the project.
Many of us spent up to an hour doing this survey so it's great to see something in print and on the BMJ no less.
Here's the title and the link to the pdf:
Understanding patient partnership in health systems: lessons from the Canadian patient partner survey
@Annette-McKinnon looking forward to reading this report.
Further thoughts on the survey:Year began as a patient partner
Prior to 2010 18.2% (106)
2010–2015 34.6% (202)
After 2015 47.3% (276)Looking at these numbers, only 18% of the 603 of us who answered were patient partners before SPOR (Strategy for Patient Oriented Research).
It looks to me as though SPOR made a big difference with more than 80% getting their start since SPOR began in 2011 and after.
So to me that looks like patient engagement is increasing greatly. However at the same time 84% of responders were white. So SPOR is successful but only to a low threshold, and there is more work and investment needed to make patient partners reflect our diverse country more accurately.Annette
@Annette-McKinnon we could consider doing a commentary on the numbers from our point of view. Thoughts?